**WARNING: Avoid scams by NEVER paying fees for a teaching position and stay far away if payment is requested (especially Western Union) ***
Volunteer Teachers
Offering several different Volunteer positions, tailored to the different preferences of all of you who wish to sample China without being able to make a long-term commitment and really want to make a difference in people’s lives, we hope you will find our Volunteer Program to your liking.
This endeavor came about due to the ongoing need for English teachers all over China – also in the poorer areas – and the number of people that would like to come and spend a few weeks or months to immerse themselves in the culture or practice the language.
The perks and benefits are fairly similar to those of the full time positions with a few exceptions, mainly the living conditions. As most of our volunteer positions are in poorer areas, living conditions can be primitive, but the experience will be much more rewarding. Also, these volunteer positions are all without salary.
We have several volunteer options ready, such as teaching in a school for mentally disabled children in a larger city, teaching at an orphanage in a small countryside town, and teaching in several small mountain villages throughout Hebei province. You will either stay with a local family or in the school itself and normally your food is provided for.
As a volunteer, you can stay as long as you want or as little as you want. You will be expected to live up to your commitment when you make one unless we find out that the school you are volunteering at is trying to make money out of you.
Unlike the dozens of companies that charge YOU an arm and a leg to donate your time, New Times does not believe in making a profit out of your noble intentions. We do collect a symbolic fee (USD 400) that goes towards making your initial stay more comfortable and allows us to sustain this program. You are already taking the initiative to donate your time, energy and effort so you should be rewarded for that, not taken advantage off.
USD 400 payable upon arrival in Shijiazhuang.
This fee covers visa extensions if necessary, pick up and drop off from and to Beijing International Airport, and accommodation and food during the brief period we are looking for a suitable volunteer position for you. Again, we do not condone making a profit out of the wonderful people that travel so far to help and interact with others. We also use part of this fee to investigate the potential volunteering positions and make sure that everything is fully ready for your arrival.
At anytime during the year. Volunteer opportunities generally last from 5 to 20 weeks, but can last as long or short as you want.
Other Details:
- The locations will vary depending on the time of the year, but will normally be in southern Hebei province;
- Volunteer positions do not always involve teaching;
- Volunteers do not have to be native English speakers. However, you are expected to be fluent;
You will receive:
1. Training in teaching techniques, which also covers some Chinese language and Culture;
2. Accommodation throughout your stay;
3. Weekly Chinese language classes (in some cases);
4. Visa extension if necessary;
5. Pick up and drop off at the airport;
6. Certificate from Hebei Province International Education Exchange Association.
E-mail or fax us your application and the following documents/information:
– A cover letter and your complete CV/resume;
– A recent picture and a copy of the front page from your passport;
– The earliest/firmest date that you can arrive in China;
– The kind of program you wish to join;
– Expected length of stay.