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We offer Big Salary for your Teaching In China

Date: Friday, 09 September 2016, 08:25

Seven English School

Founded in August 2008, SEVEN ENGLISH SCHOOL is a comprehensive English training institute specially oriented to the students between 5 -14 years age. Based on characteristics of oral speaking and foundation of subject English, the school is catering for approximately 300 students. It covers an area of 400 square meters. We established a professional workteam of 10 full-time teachers with excellent qualification such as TEM8, College Entrance Examination examiner, National Public English Test examiner. Our school provides a serious of course such as “We Enjoy English”, “New Concept”, “International Phonogram” and “Phonics” etc.

In December 2013, we merged Ladder English School and became the most authoritative English training center in Langfang.
We established co-operate partnership with CCTV Student Channel in 2014. As the workstation of CCTV “爱拼才会赢” program in Langfang, we organize all local students to participate a series of events, such as National TV English Contest and English and Student Oral & Spelling Contest. The top three of the contest will be selected as the regional contestants to attending the finals in CCTV.

SEVEN ENGLISH SCHOOL dedicates to improve the students’ comprehensive quality and subject knowledge. Quality of teaching is regarded as the most concerned point of our school, which has gradually been recognized by students and parents. Aiming at propagate teaching idea, research teaching method, develop teaching products, and provide teaching service, our school is helping the students with more opportunities for their further education. Here is a place where children and families are nurtured, and everyone experiences excellence, our purpose is to create an English education platform and to help them speaking English naturally and fluently.


We work together as a community to provide a happy, secure and stimulating environment where children are motivated to learn, are valued as individuals and encouraged to reach their full potential.


  • to create a stimulating, secure and happy environment
  • to make learning an enjoyable experience
  • to maximize the potential of all children through a broad and balanced curriculum
  • to develop the self-esteem and confidence of all children
  • to encourage children to become responsible caring and independent school citizens
  • to encourage a sense of community awareness and involvement
  • to develop a sense of respect for themselves and others
  • to develop an understanding and awareness of global issues
  • to develop our staff professionally to maintain high standards of learning and teaching
  • to encourage parents to contribute to and become involved in the life of the school
  • to continue developing through a commitment to self evaluation

Contact us: 630921083@qq.com