**WARNING: Avoid scams by NEVER paying fees for a teaching position and stay far away if payment is requested (especially Western Union) ***

Hebei Engineering University

Date: Wednesday, 04 May 2016, 08:52

Hebei Engineering University – Need 4 Teachers

1. Native English speaker or with native country degree
2. Bachelor degree
3. TEFL or TESOL and teaching experience preferred
4. One year contract
Salary and allowance:
1. The salary: 4500-8000 RMB / month, with RMB 100 Yuan each month for water and electricity.
2. A round-air ticket
3. Travel allowance: 2200 Yuan / year.
4. The university will offer the medical insurance for the foreign teacher which will cover the serious illness and accidence.
5. 2-bedroom apartment and necessary facilities.
6. Internet and printer.