**WARNING: Avoid scams by NEVER paying fees for a teaching position and stay far away if payment is requested (especially Western Union) ***
Native English Teacher needed in the beautiful city of Yinchuna, China
Date: Wednesday, 23 November 2016, 06:33
- 8000 to 15,400 RMB monthly, based on qualifications
- 8,000 RMB annual flight allowance
- Sponsored legal Z work visa
- Health insurance
- 10 paid annual leave days plus 11 national holidays
- Airport pick-up upon arrival
- Free hotel accommodation during your first two weeks at EF English First
- Free Mandarin Chinese lessons
- Weekly EF sponsored social events
- Teacher advantages discount scheme
- Job rotation schemeTeach kids in China aged 3-12 in groups up to 12 students
- Planning and delivering lessons to children
- Using electronic media and EF-developed courseware to teach English efficiently and effectively
- Evaluating student progress and providing ongoing guidance for improvement to both students and their parents
- Assigning and evaluating out of class exercises
- Participating in social activities with students organized by your school to encourage oral English proficiency