Teaching in a country like China is an opportunity that comes once in a lifetime that must not be missed. But just like any other country, there are few protocols you should keep in mind to make it look professional as well as regulated:
 Never use these slangs:
Do you understand?
This one is easy to speak up while explaining any new activity or concepts and for the English native speakers, this one comes natural. The problem is that you are never going to get the response and reaction you had wanted. Some might understand what you said and answer confidently, while other may never understood and say no. But another section of students is those what some options will understand what you have asked but don’t have the confidence to admit it and thus, you are never going to understand what they are going up to! As a teacher, you are just wasting a few minutes of your class and nothing else. Instead of this, you better ask them questions like “What you have to do now†or “will you write a few things or points on this topic†so that they can answer the questions and you will also come to know their level of understanding.
Asking them “Why are you doing that?â€
It might be a huge generalization but it happens a lot of times that the students will misbehave. It might be due to any reason including unclear instructions, poor communication, not enough engagement with the teacher or improper understanding of the guidelines. What so ever is the reason, asking such questions is unlikely to get the response you had liked. Instead of this, ask yourself why they will be misbehaving and what might be the reason behind it? It is your duty to ensure that it doesn’t happens again while you deal with students whom you teach in China.
Students are used to imitate teacher and as a teacher, your role is to be a role model for the students. While you are teaching the kids in China, you have to be their role model. When you enter the classroom, it is common to make sure that you greet them with a warm and loud Hello instead of a prolonged Helloooo which is not the way it should be spoken and sounds unnatural.
Student answers being repeated by Teacher
It might be important from the perspective of a teacher to repeat the language but it is useless and boring to repeat the same thing what the other students have just listened from their classmate. Moreover, some teachers don’t even realize that they are doing this very often and boring the students.
This is Easy
A task in English might be easy for you because you are a native English speaker for years and secondly you are very much older to them. Try putting yourself in their shoes and understand that learning something new and getting instructions, that too in new language is not easy. It is hard learning process and thus, you need to cooperate.
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